Friday, March 11, 2016

Feed Bag Archery Target


As we were stacking our chicken feed bags in the trash can the other day, something sparked a memory.  These bags looked like something we had seen before, a long time ago.  Something useful and quite durable, but not particularly attractive.  Not a Survivaball...but wait! Thats it!  The old rag bag archery target!  Well, here we had a large supply of bags; we just needed some rags and wed be in the business of converting two items destined for the trash can into a useful stopping point for flying arrows.  Or at least, making the route to the trash can more circuitous.

It just so happens we also had quite a supply of rags.  Either Katie is a little behind on her quilting projects, or she thinks old, holey pairs of underpants dont make good quilts.  Either way, this bin of rags is quite available for projects like makeshift archery targets.

They almost all fit into an empty feed bag, but not quite.  Even with pushing and punching and jumping on top, one 10-gallon tote full of rags is still slightly too much for a 40-lb feed bag.

Admitting defeat, we sewed up the top with old fishing line.

When its sewed back up, it looks close to new!  Think we could return it to the store? 

Theres a pattern on the front with lots of things to aim at, but just to make it more relevant to our own situation, we added some artwork.  Katie says, "Gee, Jake, you should probably quit your day job and become a professional squirrel drawer."

Any squirrels reading this, take note!  While we cant legally hunt you in our backyard, we are not afraid to shoot arrows at your likeness!  And we will, if you try to steal our strawberries.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid.

What do you do with old feed bags and old rags?  Let us know in the comments section below!


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