Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Let Your Little Light Shine


Spare Parts, a band from the First Unitarian Church in Albuquerque, performed several songs at the Fall Gathering of the New Mexico Interfaith Power & Light on Saturday, Nov. 7. (See video of part of the keynote address by Interfaith Power & Light founder Rev. Canon Sally Bingham). Let Your Little Light Shine was one of the songs this wonderful group shared with participants.The song is very appropriate to recognize some of the people and organizations that received the Sprouts and Seeds awards from NMPIL that afternoon.

 Rev.Canon Sally Bingham poses with Sen Mimi Stewart
Sen. Mimi Stewart was recognized for her leadership in promoting an initiative to extend the residential, commercial, and agricultural tax credit for solar installations in New Mexico."This bill helps more New Mexicans take advantage of a pollution-free energy source that also creates jobs. New Mexico was just ranked in the top ten states for renewable energy job growth by Environmental Entrepreneurs," said the organization Environment New Mexico. The bipartisan initiative was approved by an overwhelming 37-5 vote in the New Mexico State Senate, but Gov. Susana Martinez, without an explanation, chose to use the pocket veto on the measure.  According to the Taos News, Sen. Stewart is considering bringing back the measure during the upcoming session of the legislature, perhaps trying to add a solar power tax credit to the tax incentive bill.

Fr. Christopher McLaren & Gary Gunthorpe, St. Marks
One of our Core Values at St. Mark’s is to be good stewards of the earth’s resources and to move toward a more sustainable future for our congregation, our families and our world. As the people of God in this place we are initiating New Energy @ St. Mark’s Solar Project as one way that we can begin to take practical and visionary steps toward becoming a good steward of God’s creation and an environmentally aware community of faith.  -Fr. Christopher McLaren

St. Marks on the Mesa Episcopal Church received a special recognition for its Solar Power Project, which aims to meet the energy needs of the house of worship with solar power.  The parishioners are investors in the project through a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) that the church has set up to finance the project. The anticipated cost of the solar system is approximately $100,000, which  purchase an installed 30 kW photovoltaic system from New Mexico-based company PPC Solar.

Evelyn Sanchez & Kathy Sanchez, TWU
Environmental Justice has been defined by our community as, “Our Commitment to honor and protect the rights of ourselves, our habitat, and the fair treatment of all living things.”

NMIPL honored Tewa Women United for its consistent strong and collective voice creation care and environmental justice through prayer, inspiration, advocacy and witness  rooted within the spiritual ways of native women. TWU is a collective intertribal womens voice in the Tewa homelands of northern New Mexico.

Through its Environmental Justice Program, TWU aims to engage in local and international dialogue and activism on nuclear non-proliferation, human rights, and the rights of our Mother Earth.  The best way to achieve this aim is to integrate body, mind, and spiritual awareness into environmental justice advocacy, policy change, and community education. Another major goal is to empower Indigenous, women and their families, and people of color’s voices in local, national, and International networks and coalitions in order to build community capacity and leadership development.

Ruth Hoffman

Other individuals, faith communities and organizations honored on Saturday were Immaculate Conception  Catholic Church (Albuquerque), Santa Maria de la Vid Norbertine Community (Albuquerque), Patricia Gallegos of the organization Juntos (Albuquerque), Rev. Nick King (Mennonite Minister in Carlsbad), Ruth Hoffman of the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry (Santa Fe), Robyn Seydel of La MontaƱita Cooperative (Albuquerque) and Kathy Freeze of Catholic Charities of Central New Mexico (Albuquerque).


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