Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Porky Fish Clone


Researchers say they have created cloned piglets that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, the oil that is prized as being beneficial to the heart.

A team led by Yifan Dai of the University of Pittsburghs School of Medicine transferred into foetal pig cells a gene called fat-1 that had been identified in a well-studied lab animal, a tiny worm known as Caenorhabditis elegans. A worm that fish eat. The story is here

My Thoughts:

Creating transgenic hogs in an attempt to mimic the potential nutrition benefits of fish, somehow makes me think that science is ready to go a long way in creating the ultimate balanced diet in a "canned" food clone!

My mother told me to eat fish as part of a good diet! If she wanted me to eat pork alone she would have said so.

Why do we need to "clone" to create healthy food?

In order to help justify this work, it has also been suggested that fish are being over-harvested so we need to clone and change other animals to subsitute for fish?

HUH? Why not take a real hard look at practicing more fish farming using an eco-friendly manner, and forget about changing animals to be something that they are not! I can agree with the statement that wild fish stocks have been over harvested. Ancient people have farmed fish for thousands of years and in doing so, they created more supply by growing fish, not a changed animal. What is Aquaculture

In 2002, Prathers team created pigs designed to produce organs that were more suitable for transplantation into humans.


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