Friday, April 8, 2016



If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Meister Eckhart

“God wants nothing of you but the gift of a peaceful heart.”  Meister Eckhart

God of all kindness, everything that exists comes from you. You renew our joy in your creation, and give us a heart attentive to those we meet. And then we can better show your luminous presence for every human being.
-Taizé community  

Three of the 13 Gratitutudes
(Joyce Rupp, OSM)

  •  To find ways to reach out and help the disenfranchised, while also preserving their dignity and self-worth. 
  • To be as loving and caring as possible, in a culture that consistently challenges these virtues. 
  • To remember to say or send “thank you” for whatever comes as a gift from another.

Gratitude abides in a larger universe. So, no matter how it presents itself, punctuate this moment with spacious thanksgiving!... We are, after all, thanks - givers! Giving thanks is our truest calling — to reflect back, with shining eyes, all the goodness we perceive.   An excerpt from "Pause, Breathe and Be Grateful",  a spiritual exercise in Still in the Storm (JustFaith Ministries)

Notice the enoughness of your life in any way that you can. Allow feelings of scarcity to move away in favor of a sense of sufficiency – appreciating what is yours to appreciate... Grateful Living is a direct pathway to the qualities of mind and heart which lend themselves to simplicity and sustainable motivation. Simple living comes when we trade our acquisitive tendencies for inquisitive and appreciative tendencies. Then, the experience of enough-ness, which brings peace and equanimity to our lives and relationships, will spill over into abundance.   excerpts from "Appreciating Sufficency" (via

Donate to Lydia Pendleys RESULTS Virtual Thanksgiving Feast

"At this meal, there will be no place settings, no formal attire, and no cleanup. Actually, there will be no turkey either. At this time of plenty for many Americans, I am asking you to join us in remembering children in the U.S. and around the world who don’t know where their next meal is coming from....RESULTS volunteers defend SNAP (food stamp) and child nutrition funding for in the U.S. and advocate for global child nutrition programs in Congress. In this season of plenty, please help me and other volunteers fight hunger by visiting my personal fundraising page and help me support the work that RESULTS does today so that others may feast tomorrow."


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