Thursday, March 31, 2016

Aquaponics and Fish


But who wants to eat goldfish when they can have, tilapia, bluegill, trout, basa or bass?  You can use any fresh water fish for aquaponics.  The most popular are tilapia because they breed easily and quickly and young fry are easily maintained. 

You arent going to grow plants if you dont have fish poo.  You arent going to have fish poo without fish.
So what fish do you use?

If this werent about survival you could use gold fish or koi.

Our very first experiment with aquaponics was on such a small scale we used the goldfish and plecostomus that were already in our small garden pond to grow herbs on a floating raft.  It worked!


You can buy tilapia here
or here
or here

If you live in a state where tilapia are regulated (like Florida) the variety of tilapia you may be able to purchase might be limited by law.  You can check with your supplier or your local agricultural office for more information.

Bluegill is another popular fish.  They are also called bream, brim, and sun perch.  They are bonier than tilapia but also have a mild tasting flesh and mature quickly.

You can buy bluegill here
or here
or here

No matter what type of fish you pick, the fish will have the bacteria in their guts that will result in their poo being exactly what you need to break down the ammonia in the water that is into nitrites and then the nitrites into nitrates.  The plant portion of the aquaponics system will use these nitrates as food and grow your veggies very large very fast.


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