Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Integrated Vertical Tube System


Heres a drawing and a photo of the integrated vertical tube aquaponics system we built. The photo shows the tubes in the planting/harvesting position; normally they are rotated 180 degrees so that the openings face the window.

Aquaponics Vertical grow

Aquaponics, ækw??p?n?ks, pisciponics
Aquaponics, ækw??p?n?ks, pisciponics

To make the grow tubes, I cut slots across with a hack saw and then heated the plastic with a heat gun to soften it. Once it was soft I pushed in a tapered wooden plug to hold it open until the plastic hardened again. I did this outside because the PVC gives off some fumes when you heat it. The second photo below shows a close up of one of the openings after the tube was filled with pea gravel.

Aquaponics Vertical grow

Aquaponics, ækw??p?n?ks, pisciponics


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