Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Waste to green or ruin


Over 3000 years ago peoples in Asia began to practice poly culture, a process development in which they successfully learned how to recycle agriculture wastes to improve the yield obtained by farming a secondary source of protein( yet eventually equally or more important than the initial crop), that protein source was fish.

Now let us go further back in an effort to explore the role of fish as a part of the diet:

Fish and shellfish have been part of the European’s diet for as long as man has been present on the continent. Indeed, 500 thousand years ago, Homo erectus would have caught salmon (probably by hand) and eaten it raw, perhaps accompanied by a few berries and nuts. Today, salmon carpaccio bears a distinct resemblance to such paleolithic gastronomy (first age of prehistory, till 10 000 BC) .

Mesolithic man (between 10 000 and 5 000 BC) appreciated oysters and mussels while fish would have long been established as a highly desirable food. As farming activities developed, man also became able to master the rearing of animals and the same concepts were applied to fish. Reference link:

The first Publication of "Fish Husbandry", written by Fan Li, was made around 500 BC and it documented a farming process that was in practice (and still in practice) many years before our well accepted and present day world beliefs and preceptions.

Poly culture back then, simply involved using organic waste to naturally produce feed to fertilize plants that the fish ate and converted into a high protein source (Fish) for humans to consume. The Fish waste also became another source of organic food to nourish other plants and vegetables, thus increasing the yield and variety of edible food obtained.

These farming practices were very `green` back when they were invented and practiced. Considering that the inputs and outputs balanced each other without diminishing other resources or relying on such things as inorganic ingredients, the process is very simple and sustainable.

Today, such a process of farming is pretty much considered in the same light as one eyed aliens visiting the earth. There is no big company that is mass producing by using the farming principal, thus it is insignificant and perhaps a topic of dis-flavour in the circles of corporate agriculture .

Perhaps if more people grew fish and fresh vegetables on their own with little or no cost, it could be a real part of being green.

For the most part such practices are in Ruin today.


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