Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Dance Pray Walk Barefoot and Take Legislative Action During Climate Talks in Paris


The faith community and people of conscience in Albuquerque and Santa Fe took a number of actions during the conference on climate in Paris (COP21) on Nov. 30-Dec. 11. An interfaith vigil in Albuquerque brought members of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh and other traditions for a procession and a prayer service in Albuquerque on Nov. 30. The service, which was held at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, was planned to coincide with the departure of Sister Joan Brown and Sister Marlene Perrotte of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light  to the talks in Paris the next day.  Below are a few snapshots of the service.

Rev. Sylvia Miller-Mutia and her family led liturgical dance
Father Warren Broussard, Sister Joan Brown

Necip Orhan
Ruby Kochhar and fellow member of Sikh community

Rabbi Arthur Flicker
Legislative Advocacy
The local actions in conjunction with COP21 included opportunities for advocacy and an activity on the Plaza in Santa Fe this afternoon (Wednesday, Dec. 2). The legislative advocacy efforts include actions at the federal and state levels. We are asked to urge our members of the New Mexico State House and Senate to pass the Home Renewable Energy Tax Credit and to advocate to Sen. Tom Udall to vote to vote to fund the U.S. contribution to the Green Climate Fund.

Barefoot on the Santa Fe Plaza

Organizers of the "Shoes of Solidarity" event asked people in the Santa Fe area to bring their shoes to the Plaza on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.  (or anytime thereafter until Dec. 11) in solidarity with the COP21 summit. "Please place your shoes on the grassy areas only. Take the time to invite your neighbors and friends to join you as a statement that New Mexicans want the climate restored to a safe, stable level, and that you want to see New Mexico leaders mobilize for serious climate action," said organizers, who created a Facebook event  to publicize the action.


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