Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dominican Leadership Conference Representative at UN to Speak in Albuquerque about Pope Francis Encyclical on the Environment


"Our goal includes bringing the perspective of the United Nations to our Dominican Family and to support global action for justice and peace nationally." -Dominican Leadership Conference

Sister Margaret Mayce, OP, the NGO (non-governmental organization) representative for the Dominican Leadership Conference at the UN, is the featured speaker at the monthly presentation sponsored by the Dominican Ecclesial Institute (D+E+I) in Albuquerque on Sunday, October 25, 1:00 -3:00 PM,UNM Continuing Education Building, 1634 University Blvd. NE (map).

The topic of Sister Margarets address is "Sustaining God’s Creation," continuing with the D+E+Is reflections on Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment Laudato Si.

Sister Margarets work with worldwide governmental representatives on environmental issues will give a broad dimension to the crisis the Pope addresses in his encyclical.

Sister Margaret has also worked on other issues at the UN, including womens rights. Here is a piece that she wrote in February of this year.
If you plan to attend the talk, please RSVP to: or 505-243-0525
Free to D+E+I members; others $10 free-will offering is appreciated.


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