Thursday, March 24, 2016

Moratorium on Aquaculture Licenses in British Columbia Will it lead to Benefits


An article in the Vancouver Sun Jan 28, 2010 states that B.C. has slapped a moratorium on issuing new finfish aquaculture licences and wont accept new applications for shellfish aquaculture, the province announced Thursday.

The move follows a court decision on Tuesday in which the B.C. Supreme Court granted an extension to the transfer deadline for finfish aquaculture to federal regulation until Dec. 18, 2010. As part of this extension, the court ordered a suspension on approvals of all new marine finfish licenses in B.C.

Full Story Link

A related story by Mike Barber of Canwest news service Sept 9 , 2010 titled "Diversity needed on Canadas fish farms, researcher says"

Talks about the Need for Canada to diversify into production of alternative aquaculture species. That article points out that half the fish the world eats is now raised on farms, presenting an opportunity for Canada to exploit a growing global hunger for seafood, according to a study published in the online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by a team of international researchers.

But critics say Canada is ill-prepared to cash in on the growing trend because of a fixation on farming salmon -- a species that is expensive to raise, takes a long time to grow and is not to the taste of people in the worlds rapidly developing markets.

Tony Farrell, one of the reports contributors, said the findings indicate a demand for protein-rich, affordable fish.

"The world is not eating wild fish, and theyre switching to cultured fish," said Farrell, chairman of the University of B.C.s Centre for Aquaculture and Environmental Research. "Canada can either move with the times, or not. As an exporting nation, we need to make decisions about this."

But relying on salmon -- carnivores that take more than two years to mature -- as the countrys chief farmed fish would likely prevent the Canadian aquaculture industry from harnessing the continued growth, said Farrell.

"I think diversification is a great way of thinking about this. You put all your stocks and bonds in one thing, and when it crashes, youll have a rude awakening," Farrell said. Full Story

This blog has always promoted alternative aquaculture systems and the need for further development of other species. While there are many issues effecting the industry two of the main concerns are the potential for environmental conflicts and the need to address sustainable industry growth.

Diversification into alternative farm designs producing other species using sustainable and intregrated methods, is certainly an area that needs attention.

Realted Items: Land based Fish Farms | Aquaponics Technologies


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